Throw an A List Oscar Party
Posted by Justin Grainger on
The Oscars are coming up in just a few weeks, and if you’re like many movie watchers these days, you may have seen a lot of the nominated films at home rather than at the theater. Home viewing is the new cinematic experience, thanks to producers like Netflix and Amazon honing in on the original film business and releasing Oscar contending titles straight-to-streaming. When it comes to red carpet events, you can keep the home viewing good times rolling by hosting the Oscars at your house. Here are a few ways to make sure your party makes the A List:
Feature Films from Oscars Gone By, Not Just This Year’s
If you’re throwing a theme party, be sure to broaden your theme beyond just the movies that have been nominated for the upcoming awards ceremony. Your party guests will love to get nostalgic about some of their favorite films from the past that were nominated or even won big. To go all out, invite party guests to pay homage to their top Oscar nominated or winning film of all time, by wearing a costume or some other significant trinket. Some of our favorites include Forrest Gump, The Avengers, and The Wizard of Oz.
Watch the Pre Show
Everyone knows watching the crazy outfits that come down the red carpet is often the best part of the whole Oscars viewing experience. The awards ceremony itself can often get tedious and even dry, as those accepting their awards read prewritten speeches that contain bad jokes or no jokes at all. The pre show is much more unscripted, allowing for hilarious moments right alongside heartwarming ones. It’s also by far the best way to collect your “best and worst looks” of the night, as it’s much harder to see outfits of nominees who don’t win in full view during the ceremony.
Make Predictions
Making predictions and tracking them is the most fun part of watching the Academy Awards! Since the Academy Awards typically takes place after several other famous awards shows have already happened, you can factor those results into your predictions as well. Many partygoers will still use the pencil and paper method to make and track their predictions, but there are also apps available now that allow you to do the whole process in realtime on your smartphone - and declare the winner almost immediately once the Best Picture winner is announced!