Kids Halloween Costumes: Spiderman costume Vs. Harry Potter Costume

Posted by Justin Grainger on


Kids Halloween Costumes, Spiderman Costume, Harry Potter Costume, Family Halloween Costumes


Which kids Halloween costume is better a Spiderman costume or a Harry Potter costume?  That will really depend on your child and what sparks their imagination the most.  The classic spiderman costume is the ultimate good guy superhero costume and Harry Potter and all the rest of the characters from the tales surrounding the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is loved and well known by all young children.  These are a few of the things to consider when debating between picking a superhero costume or a mystical wizard for your kids Halloween costume.

Spiderman Costume Pro’s

  • Dressing up as Peter Parker in a Spiderman costume instantly turns your child into a crime fighting superhero.
  • Spiderman is the quintessential good guy character that is dedicated to bringing the fight to evil in the world.
  • Playing in a spiderman costume is fun all year long, with great power comes great responsibility.

Spiderman Costume Con’s

  • Limited options, while there are a couple of spiderman costume options to choose from most of them look similar with the red and blue or all back and red.
  • There are not a lot of other character costumes from the Spiderman comic book series and movies available. Spiderman is the option.
  • Spiderman loves to climb everything, and you might not want to encourage your little one to be climbing and jumping off everything increasing their chances to hurt themselves.

Harry Potter Costume Pro’s

  • A Harry Potter costume will be recognized by all kids even if your child chooses to pick one of the more obscure characters from the novels and movies.
  • The Harry Potter series are full of magical wizardry and inspires countless hours of play for your child to enjoy the costume and accessories aside from just being a kids Halloween costume it is fun to dress up as a wizard year round.
  • There are tons of available accessories to personalize a Harry Potter costume including Hedwig the owl, Nimbus’s 2000 broom, and even a golden snitch.
  • It is perfect for family Halloween costumes that are coordinated with everyone being a different character from the movie. Get your family a collection of robes and wands and everyone can be a wizard this year as you go house to house trick or treating and casting spells on all that you encounter.

Harry Potter Costume Con’s

  • If you don the black robe, red colored tie, and have the wand most of the adults your child encounters will likely know they are dressed up as Harry Potter. Choosing one of the lesser known characters will likely result in a lot of explaining of what they are dressed up as.
  • There will likely be several Harry Potter costumes that they encounter meaning it is less unique and special.
  • All the kids will have read the books or at least watched the movies and so be prepared for every random joke from the movies to be said to you and your little one.

Wizards or Superhero’s

Both are perfect options for a kids Halloween costume.  As a parent you can’t go wrong when picking out a costume for your child to enjoy for Halloween if you go with Spiderman or Harry Potter.  They are both loved by kids and adults alike, have produced countless classic comic books, novels, and movies and are ingrained in popular culture.  Pick the option that you feel will best inspire your kid and will get used for more than just Halloween.  Little kids love to dress up all year long and so just because you buy a Harry Potter costume or a spiderman costume for the holiday expect them to want to wear it the rest of year for dress up play.  Which ever you pick know that you are getting your child a winner costume, no one wants to be a simple ghost made from home made materials, but no young child will be ashamed to be Spidey or Harry.

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