White Fence Net Pantyhose
Have you spent all week planning what you are going to wear on the weekend? You bought those heels you've been looking at. The black ones with the ankle strap. You pulled out all your dresses. The navy blue one with white polka dots and the cute white collar. Only to put it back because it doesn't fit the shoes. The flower printed frilly one with the tan tank top attached. But, no it's the wrong season for that one. Then, pulled out the classic little black dress.Now that, that works. It works with the shoes. It works with the look you want. Now you just need a little something to mix up all the black. White Fence Net Pantyhose. They are that perfect combination of understatement and somehow just a little bit of a shock. The white against the black just make your legs look longer and make the heels look so much more vivid!