Oi, govnuh! Got a chimney in need of sweepin' for a shilling?That was a terrible attempt at a cockney accent, and we're sorry you had to read that. We also have no idea if a shilling is a reasonable price to charge for sweeping a chimney, but in our defense, neither shillings nor people offering freelance chimney sweeping services on the street have been around for a while. In this day and age, most people with chimneys have their sweeping services pretty well covered.However, that doesn't mean an old fashioned chimney sweeper has gone out of style as a vintage costume, and that look wouldn't be complete without this Sweeper Accessory! Whether you're dressing up as a soot covered day laborer for a fun Victorian themed group costume, as part of a play, or you're just exploring new career paths, this plastic brushed sweeper is the perfect addition to your outfit. If you want to start a new life as a chimney sweep, we recommend using a real sweeper, and also charging more than just a shilling...