Sexy Burgundy Wig
Did you know that some DNA tests can tell you what the likelihood is that you’ll have red-headed children? The gene for red hair is recessive, so a person needs two copies of that gene for it to show up (or “be expressed”, as they say in science DNA talk). That means that, even if both parents carry the gene, just one in four of their children are likely to turn out to be a redhead. And did you also know that, contrary to what many people assume, redheads did not originate in Scandinavia, Scotland or Ireland, but in central Asia? Their coloring is due to a mutation in the MC1R gene that fails to produce sun-protective, skin-darkening eumelanin and instead causes pale skin, freckles and red hair. Pretty neat, huh?But if you don’t naturally fall into the gene pool of the Gingers, you can still get all that fiery, attention-getting glory with this Sexy Burgundy Wig! This super stylish, sassy red hair wig with short bangs or long sides is perfect for a grown-up costume of your favorite bow-and-arrow wielding Disney character, or even just a fun night out on the town! Blaze it up, baby!