Sequined White Sailor Hat
The great thing about a Sequined White Sailor Hat is that even though it lends a blast of maritime charm to your costume like a cheerful head-mounted foghorn, nobody will notice if you want to make yours a part of a circus ringleader outfit or a shimmering marching band uniform. Sure, there's something about it that shouts boats! But it's also true that any sequined outfit is improved by a matching sequined hat, and this one is pretty versatile, since it comes in classic white with a black brim and gold braids on the front.Don't get us wrong: we're all in favor of sequin-studded sailor duds. The more, the merrier. But seasickness is a real problem for us, and we've heard some pretty wild tales about three-hour tours, so we want to be sure that a few of us landlubbers get to share in the sparkling spectacle as well.