Red Ranger Adult Helmet
Quick Costume ChangesIt’s hard for us regular folks. A full costume change in a matter of seconds is just out of the question. It’s all fine and good for the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. They just have to shout, “It’s Morphin Time!” and their Power Coin just does a little presto chango act on their wardrobe. For the rest of us, we’d have to actually take off our normal clothes, put on the power suit, and then strap in the helmet. That’s enough time for Angel Grove to be completely overrun by Rita Repulsa’s monsters. There’s got to be an easier way!Well, there is. All you need is this Red Power Ranger helmet and you can transform into one of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in an instant.Product DetailsThis officially licensed helmet is made out of molded plastic and it’s easy to put on. It comes in 2 pieces, which snap together with fasteners. The exterior is shaped to look like a t-rex and you can see through the black visor. Just pair it up with your favorite red shirt and you’ll be ready to do battle with the forces of evil in no time.The Easy WayDon’t wait around for Zordon to give you a Power Coin! Just use this Power Rangers Helmet for a quick transformation into your favorite Ranger.