Red Movie Star Wig
Have you fantasized about what it would be like to be someone completly different for a day? How about a flame-haired siren? Give your reality a dash of fantasy with this Sultry Red Movie Star Wig. If you’re going to go as the kind of movie star who can get even a cartoon rabbit to fall head over heels for her, then there’s one thing you’ll definitely need: long, flowing, flame-red hair. There’s just no way around it. But if you weren’t blessed with that kind of hair, it’s all good––we have a movie star wig that will make you look good enough to be a cartoon babe.Perfect for Rita Hayworth (that’s popular with the kids, right?), Ariel, Black Widow, or a million other red-headed vixens who have graced the silver screen, this Sultry Red Movie Star Wig really is an all-purpose costume piece. You could wear a different costume centered around it every year! It could be, like, your thing! “Why doesn’t she just dye her hair red if she likes it so much?” they’ll wonder behind your back. But they don’t understand, because they don’t have Sultry Red Movie Star Wigs of their own. They’ll never understand.