Purple Afro Clown Wig
We've always seen the color red on most clowns out there. The problem these days with those clowns, however, is the fact that they just don't have the appeal they used to anymore ever since that string of horror movies featuring murderous and terrifying psycho clowns have come out. We still can't look at even the happy jokesters at the circus the same way anymore if they have red hair. We've decided to help come up with a solution. This Purple Clown Wig will look just as great on you as the red one except without the terrifying memories being brought up from everyone's childhood. Have you ever looked up "scary clown with a purple wig?" We did and there were more scary clown pictures with red wigs than purple ones! It just makes sense. Be the happy clown this Halloween. This has been a message from the society concerned about really eerie disguises or SCARED for short.