Men's OppoSuits United Stripes Suit Costume
O say, does that star spangled bann-n-ner yet wave...When Francis Scott key penned the Star Spangled banner in 1814, he was probably wearing a dark wool double breasted jacket, as we're sure it was a long night sitting in Fort McHenry watching the British bombard the American forces. He probably never could have imagined that the stripes he held so dear would someday be able to emblazon the suit coat of a modern American, and we're just surprised it took another 200 years to achieve it! Leave it to the suit making masterminds at OppoSuits to finally put them on a coat.This two piece suit with tie has the classic OppoSuits slim cut suit style, but of course it's infused with a massive dose of patriotic style because, well, 'Merica yo! The striped red and white coat perfectly contrasts the brilliant blue pants, and of course it comes with a coordinating tie so that the wearer can rock the stars and the stripes whenever they feel like it. This stylish suit set is perfect for the 4th of July, the Olympics, or even for when you have to travel to the Capitol to lobby your senator. Because what's a better way to make an impression than by dressing in the most American way possible. USA! USA!