Macho Man Costume for Women
OOOOH, YEAHHHH! Envisioning the 90's Slim Jim commercial yet? Good, that's exactly what we want. Okay, now that you've imagined Randy Savage busting your door down, insisting you "turn on the spice," replace his likeness with your own. That's right, you can be the Macho Man encouraging random people to snap into a Slim Jim...Oh yeah! You may be thinking, "huh, how's that possible? I'm a woman and Macho Man is well, a man." Well around here, we believe you can be whatever you want, regardless of gender, which is why we've created the woman's Macho Man costume. Heck, rock his signature goatee and beard if you want we support you! We can even hook you up with faux men's facial hair if you want. The point is, be whatever you want, even if it means accosting strangers in a fringe jacket and demanding they "snap into a Slim Jim." Who knew beef sticks could be so inspirational? DESIGN & DETAILSDid you know there's a group of Randy-Savage-obsessed designers in the office? They studied his wardrobe for weeks to create the colorful 5-piece officially licensed WWE costume you're currently drooling over. The printed collared jacket has lime green fringe dangling from both sleeves, capturing Macho Man's infamous over-the-top persona. The matching crop top and short set are crafted from shiny, stretchy fabric so both are comfortable to wear. Also included, a pair of coordinating fingerless gloves and an electric green cowboy hat, signifying you're ready to get the party started...and eat a lot of Slim Jims. READY TO RUMBLE? Get the exact look pictured here by picking up a pair of white platform boots. And if someone ignores your advice to snap into a Slim Jim? Hit 'em with the flying elbow drop, Macho Man's signature move! Just kidding, we don't condone violence. Just politely ask them to reconsider and say "oooh yeahhh," a bunch of times. That should change their minds.