Let's Get Physical Wig
The best thing about the 80s? The big hair of course. We're talking violent curls, pouffy locks, feathered bangs, and the classics: 80s Hair Bands. Those glorious locks were teased within an inch of their life to achieve the most voluminous hair ever seen. It makes head-banging even more exciting.Of course all that excellent hair isn't low maintenance. It's a lot of work preparing those tresses for optimal head-banging. And sometimes, you just don't have the time to grow out and style such an excellent do. Which is where our Let's Get Physical Wig comes in. If you're feeling nostalgic enough for an 80s jazzercise party, want to party like it's Friday night, or you intend to rock out like Olivia Newton John, you'll definitely need this wig. This 100 percent synthetic wig comes with a pink headband and wristbands, and has a teased 80s look which will be just right for your tubular party.