Inflatable Santa Pick Me Up Adult Costume
BETTER WATCH THOSE HANDS, CLAUS! Maybe it's all the holiday stress, but Santa Claus is losing his marbles. He's lost the legendary 'list' more times than we can count and he accidentally fed Mrs. Claus' freshly-baked cookies to the reindeer. We're really starting to worry about him. The elves are freaking out because after working all those long hours, what if Santa gets sidetracked and totally spaces on his big trip? Maybe we should send a chaperone with him... Oh jeez, what is Santa up to now? He's completely lost it, guys. He's landed in America and he seems to be...bearhugging random civilians. He's trying too hard to spread the joy of the season and it's completely backfiring. Everyone looks... slightly alarmed. Oh Santa, what are we going to do with you? The inflatable adult Santa pick me up costume commemorates the day Santa came to American and randomly plucked people off the ground. It's silly, it's fun to wear, it's relevant to wear on two holidays! PRODUCT DETAILSThis costume creates a funny optical illusion, making it appear like Santa is hauling you back to the North Pole. (Hope you don't get sleigh-sick!) The bodysuit inflates once the 4 AA batteries are inserted in the battery pack attached to a belt clip for your convenience. A tiny interior fan starts turning and the costume enlarges before your very eyes. Elastic at the neck, wrists, ankles and a zipper in the back guarantees this costume stays around you.THE MOST WONDERFUL COSTUME OF THE YEARYou'll feel jollier than ever when you sport this unique costume. Maybe you'll find being picked up by odd characters is your new favorite hobby. If so, we have lots of other 'pick me up' type costumes. Get carried away by the President of the United States or an extraterrestrial.