Hanging Rotted Skeleton
Ooh boy, what happened to this guy? He's looking a little worse for wear. Would someone get him a glass of water? Well, we're not sure what his backstory is. He could be a pirate who's come back for his booty after those darned red coats tried to get rid of him. He could also have been one of those mysterious bog mummies that have been popping up all over the British Isles. Either way, it looks like this zombie has been left out a little too long!This Hanging Rotted Skeleton lights up and will look really frightening hanging on your porch. It's all wrapped up in cloth and gauze to keep the appearance that it has been decaying for quite sometime. It's the perfect item to give your house a spooky Halloween look without a hint of Martha Stewart charm. This is a must-have decoration for a spooky graveyard scene!