Giant Inflatable Brontosaurus Costume for a Child
VEGAN BEFORE IT WAS COOLThe Brontosaurus species was the original hipster. We didn't excavate a pair of black frame glasses or a Whole Foods discount card from the Jurassic Period to find this out. It's not even a scientifically proven statement; it's just an opinion based on the belief that the Brontosaurus was the coolest prehistoric creature roaming the earth millions of years ago. (Sorry T-Rex.)The Brontosaurus is number one in our hearts and believed to be the original hipster (solely by us) because they were vegans before it was cool. They weren't eating a healthy mixture of leafy greens just to take a picture for 'likes' on social media. They weren't even doing it for health-related reasons; Brontosaurus ate leaves and grass because they felt like it and that's a hip idea. PRODUCT DETAILSSupport our Brontosaurus theory? Think we're crazy but still love this costume? Eh, either one works for us! The giant inflatable Brontosaurus child costume is great for dinosaur enthusiasts who love the inflatable costume trend. Get inside the suit which has proper holes for the arms and head. The peek-a-boo hole in the center of the costume allows for perfect sight. Flip the interior switch to 'on,' activating the mini fan to inflate the costume, reaching its maximum capacity in minutes. Some of the costume's best characteristics include the long neck, sturdy tail and teeth-lined mouth NIBBLE NICELYThis costume is bound to reel in a ton of candy this Halloween so sticking to only eating salad isn't a costume requirement. Stir up commotion on your block by getting your neighborhood crew in on the prehistoric fun. We have a T-Rex inflatable costume (a Jurassic classic) as well as a Triceratops one just like it. Your neighborhood crew has now transformed into your dino-pals. We feel a stampede coming on!