Gangster Gun Holster
Real wiseguys don't stuff guns in their pants. It's just uncivilized, and, you know... kinda dangerous. Especially if you're packing heat with a hair trigger. Anyway, the true tough guys (and we're talking the ones with class) reach into their jackets when it's time for action. Because that's where their guns are hanging safely and reliably in a slick shoulder holster. They're professional, they're classy, and they're so good even the fuzz use them. So this Halloween, make sure you've got your sidearm in the Gangster Gun Holster!Just like the real thing, this underarm holster slips effortlessly over your shoulder, and stays in place with an easy-to-use chest and belt strap. It'll hold your gun right where you need it in case things get dicey. And you can either wear it under your jacket, or go cop-style like the guy in the picture, and make sure everyone around can see that you mean business. Just don't forget to look around at our selection of toy guns so you've got something to put in your Gangster Gun Holster!