Functional Belt Buckle Flask
Couldn't Flask for MoreYou just never know when an emergency will strike! Just picture this. You head to the biggest party of the year. All of your friends are there. You're meeting new people and having a great time, but then something happens. Something completely unthinkable! The beer runs dry. Without a backup plan, you'll have nothing left to parch your incredible thirst from the partying! But wait... you've come prepared. You just reach down to your trusty belt buckle flask and take a swig of your secret stash!Product DetailsThis tiny metal flask holds doubles as a belt buckle, so it will keep your pants fitting snugly, while also providing you with a backup stash for emergency situation. The flask is made of stainless steel and it slips into a small holster in the middle of the buckle. The cap is attached to the flask and it holds 2 ounces of your favorite adult beverage.To Flask in DesperationJust clip this buckle onto your belt and you'll never be without a small dose of your drink of choice. That means when the party runs out of beer, you'll be sitting pretty with this handy little flask.