Child Ride A Bull Costume
Are you ready to turn your tot into a rootin', tootin' rodeo champ? Maybe he’s already dreaming about becoming one of the top 10 bull riders in the world. You might be tempted to tell him, “now hold your horses, little buckaroo.” Sometimes you just have to let them dream a little. Although he might still be a little green to start riding real bulls, this Child Ride A Bull Costume is the best (and cutest) way to get him started down the path to being a bull rider. Suit him up and get him ready for the ride of his life. After spinning in a few circles his hat might fall off just like the real cowboys. Feed him some beans and set him off again. Where do you think rootin’ tootin’ cowboys get all of their energy? Your child could buck and snort for hours in creative play…hey it’s good exercise too! Make sure to cheer him on for not falling off. Ride ‘em cowboy!This plush bull might look fierce, but he's actually very soft and cuddly, so your child will be able to try out all the best rodeo moves while being completely safe. There are lots of great details that keep the experience real, from the fringes of the vest to the ring in the bull’s nose. As an added bonus, you get plenty of photo opportunities while he wears this adorable costume. Yeeee Hawww!