Assassins Creed: Connor Tomahawk
When you live your life in the frontier wilderness, you can't afford to haul anything that isn't useful. In most cases, everything you carry needs to be as versatile as you are. Maybe your hat doubles as a water bucket, your jacket can be turned into a blanket, and you could eat your shoes in a pinch, but we totally understand if that's not your first choice. It also helps if your tools double as weapons, since you never know when trouble will find you. If you happen to be an assassin like Connor, then everything can technically double as a weapon. But, you should still carry around this toy Tomahawk, which looks just the weapon Connor carries around in Assassin's Creed III. You never know when you might be stalking through the woods in your Connor costume, and find something that needs to be chopped, like some firewood (yep, we're totally referring to chopping firewood). Keep this tomahawk close at hand, and watch out for hay bales to hide in!