50s Housewife Costume
Do you remember a time when life was perfect and the entire household would sit down for a family dinner and even the dog would lay quietly beside you without begging and everyone ate everything on their plates? Oh, and your kids were really, really polite and did their homework after and said “please” and “thank you” and cute things like “gosh darn?”Okay, so maybe that only happened in 1950's television shows, but you can still live the dream for a day when you dress up like one of those flawless moms from your favorite program. All it takes is this 50's Housewife Costume, a serious knack for baking, and an upbeat attitude. Sorry, we can’t help you with your kids, though. But maybe just seeing you in this crisp cherry-printed pink shirtwaist dress and gingham-pocketed apron will be enough to transform them into little angels who value honesty above all else. In fact, maybe your whole world will shift to a black-and-white haven of heavenly order. Even the dog will be clean and learn to fetch the paper. Please remember: we said maybe. If all of that doesn’t happen, at least you’ll still have a great Halloween costume and some killer cookie recipes. Lucky for you, you can find the perfect 50s homemaker dress here; you are, however, going to have to watch some reruns to get that whole almost annoyingly upbeat attitude thing down pat.