100 Dollar Bill Adult Costume
Feeling Like 100 Bucks, Exchanging Good LucksSome days, you just feel great. You just can't explain it, but you wake up and everything seems to go just right. That morning cup of coffee tastes better than normal. The traffic on the way to work is strikingly more bearable. They play your favorite song on the radio and when you get into work, your job somehow just seems a little easier. That's what the phrase, "I feel like a hundred bucks" was made for. If only there was a way for you to look exactly the way you feel on one of those days. If only...Oh, wait! Silly us! There is a way for you to look like a hundred bucks on one of those days that you feel like a hundred bucks! You just need this 100 Dollar Bill Costumes for adults!Product DetailsThis Adult 100 Dollar Bill Costume is a simple costume to help you look a little more like a hundred bucks! The costume comes with a tunic-style top, which is made out of a polyester foam material. The front and back both have a realistic image of a hundred dollar bill printed onto it, complete with Benjamin Franklin's face in the middle. It comes with generous openings in the side for your arms and you can wear your favorite shirt underneath it. All you have to do is slip it on and you'll be cold hard cash in an instant!All 'Bout The BenjaminsThis Adult 100 Dollar Bill Costume has one other great benefit, is that you can show your extreme appreciation for Mr. Ben Franklin! After all, the guy made some pretty great scientific discoveries during his lifetime and played a huge role in American politics and we think that's pretty cool!